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Des Moines Child Custody Lawyers

Divorce is a life-changing event – especially for children. Many parents considering divorce are worried about maintaining a meaningful relationship with their child after the divorce is over. At Harding Law Offices, we understand the very real and serious concerns that you are experiencing during this difficult time. We will focus on protecting your child’s well-being while also safeguarding your parental rights.

Different Types of Custody in Iowa

In Iowa, child custody is generally divided into two categories:

  • Legal custody involves a parent's ability to make decisions about the child's general upbringing, including his or her medical care, religion, legal status, and education. Iowa law generally favors joint legal custody, except in certain situations involving domestic violence or other significant concerns.

  • Physical care describes with whom the child lives. In many cases, one parent will have sole physical care and the other will have ample visitation (sometimes called parenting time). In other cases, parents may share physical care of the child, although this is usually only possible where both parents are able to work together to provide for the best interests of their child.

If parents are unable to agree on a child custody plan, the court will consider a number of factors to determine a custody arrangement that is in the best interests of the child.

Minimizing Conflict And Finding Solutions That Work

A long, expensive custody battle can cause permanent harm to children and their parents. The Des Moines child custody attorneys at Harding Law Offices are sensitive to this concern, and we will work hard to help you devise an amicable custody plan without resorting to litigation. If the other parent is unwilling to act reasonably, however, we are fully prepared to go to court to protect your rights and the best interests of your child. No matter the circumstances of your case, we will provide you with the information and solid representation you need.

Contact Harding Law Offices

Harding Law Offices can help you come to a workable custody agreement that provides stability and peace for the entire family. For assistance with your family law or child custody matter, contact us today. We serve clients in Des Moines and throughout central Iowa.